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Bible Wisdom for Natural Healthcare & Beauty

Flowers in Hair
“For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6

Are you weary of the world's solutions for how to look prettier and feel better?

Stop seeking answers in imperfect places.

Dear Seeker,

     Beauty that glows is a reflection of an effective walk with God and a commitment to nurturing health according to His design. The way we care for ourselves matters.

     Welcome to my collection of natural health and beauty research articles. Here you will find answers from the pages of the Bible. It's time to let go of the world's counterfeit beauty. From now on, embrace true beauty nourished God's way. As your sister with a passion for truth and simplicity, I wrote every word for you.


-Meg Grimm

Christian author, researcher and historian

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The Bible teaches that all have sinned and deserve God’s judgment. But God so loved us that He sent His only Son, Jesus, who lived a sinless life and died in our place - taking our punishment instead!  Jesus arose from the dead three days later, defeating sin and death forever.  If you believe this, repent of your sin and choose to trust Jesus, declaring “Jesus is Lord.” You will be saved from judgment and live eternally with God in heaven.  (John 3:16)

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